Contact information for K.I.S.S.

Good afternoon everyone, I hope that you are all getting ready for the Christmas season. K.I.S.S. is remembering those service men and women that are serving abroad protecting our country. We have discovered a glitch in the website that is not allowing contact information or the submitted service member names to come through to our e-mail site. As we are work at getting this fixed, we will be contacting everyone that has sent in those requests to verify that the members are still delayed.

Again, we apologize for not recognizing this earlier and making the corrections. Yes, we are still up and packing every month for our troops and have updated the site to the correct locations. Please be patient with us as we work through this changeover and start serving more of our service men and women. If anyone has experience in working with WordPress platforms and would be interested in helping us update, maintain the Kids In Support of Soldiers site, please contact Tim Proctor, VP of K.I.S.S. at

Until we can get a better handle on getting all of the information correct and up to date we will also be using the K.I.S.S. Facebook page as a tool to provide up to date information and pictures of events.

Thank you, Merry Christmas and God Bless America


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