Cub Scouts – thanks for the candy!!

Special thanks to Joshua Brown with Cub Scout Pack 173 out of Avalon Park in Central Florida for donating over 80 lbs of candy from their collections throughout the year. So thankful for the support we receive from all different individuals and groups that allow us to continue to support our service men and women. We have had several Boy Scout, Cub Scout and Girl Scout troops support us over the years. Our current VP Shawn Ebert and his wife and current Sgt. at Arms Holly have contributed a tremendous amount of support through their Scout Troop affiliations. We are deeply honored to see the response we have gotten from kids of all ages in their willingness to support the cause. There are a lot of places that these kids could be once a month on a Saturday morning, but they share it with us. For more information on events you can check out our Facebook page,

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