Letters From Our Soldiers

SPC Jenna Colley

All involved,
I just wanted to take a second and thank you for the care packages I have been receiving over the past few months. The letter enclosed in the box stated to let you know when my expected return to stateside would be.
We are expected to return in the November time-frame. However, just to ensure that a box doesn’t get sent out and not received, can I request that you not send one after September?
Also, since we are halfway through our deployment, we are less in need of things like Ramen and candy. The things that we eat most often are raisins, sunflower seeds, tuna, protein bars and any kind of jerky. We also LOVE coffee and good books.
Thank you so much again for everything you do and for the wonderful care packages. Mail is a very exciting thing here!!

Very Respectfully,
SPC Jenna Colley

A1C Kody Sapp

Dear Elizabeth, Taylor, RJ, Makaylah, Corey, Piper, Peyton & Pierceson,

Hello, everyone, my name is Airman 1st Class Kody Sapp and I am part of the United States Air Force. I would like to express how happy and excited I am to get a package from you all. You made my day and it means SO MUCH!!! I just got it today and it could not have come at a better time. It is super cold outside, about 8 degrees today so that coffee and oatmeal will go to great use. I love everything in the box..there is so much.I have so much candy I could have a sugar rush for a month and all the snacks will be very nice to have during the day. Many of the snacks you guys sent me I can’t get here so I am super happy to have them and again thank you, everyone, for sending them to me.

A1C Kody Sapp
USAF – Korea

TSgt Andrew S DiSilvestro

Dear K.I.S.S. Thank you again for your overwhelming support and thoughtfulness. Your efforts and encouragement help remind us, Airman of loved ones, back home and provide a much-needed moment of tranquility, especially during the holiday period. It is a great feeling to know that so many wonderful people at home are thinking of us. Thank you again, Sincerely, TSgt Andrew S. DiSilvestro Jr. 407 ECES

SPC Simon M Dechenne

Hello KISS, I received my box the other day and I enjoyed everything in it. I would like to request Starkist Tuna in water lunch kits, Bumblebee Tuna Salad Kits, Jalapeño Beef Jerky, Teriyaki beef jerky, popcorn, Blue Diamond Roasted Almonds, Rice Krispy treats and Protein bars. SPC Simon Dechenne HHC 1/4BCT Task Force Tomahawk We are happy to say that Simon was able to receive most of what he required, we love being able to honor the special request for our servicemen and women. Tim Proctor, President Kids In Support of Soldiers

SPC Casey E. Pierce

My name is Casey Pierce and I am with the 2153rd FMSD in Afghanistan. One of our soldiers signed us up for the K.I.S.S. care packages. I’m not sure if she is able to reach out to you but we just got our second round of them. I wanted to touch base and let you know we have been receiving them and THANK YOU!! The packages are AWESOME! I know how much goes into coordinating and putting these together and we so appreciate all of your time and resources. Thank you again, we can’t wait for our boxes next month.