Young man delivers collected items to K.I.S.S.

Awesome young man delivered materials he had gathered for Kids In Support of Soldiers.  Zach delivered the material he had gathered and was able to pack a box for a service member that was added to our list on Sunday. He chose KISS for his community service project. He gathered candy bars from friends and neighbors to take to his karate school who in turn bought them for $1 a pound. He collected 69 lbs and bought supplies for us!! He and his mom drove 2 1/2 hours today to deliver them. Julie Proctor, K.I.S.S Packing Coordinator, set up a “packing event” for him to experience packing a box for a soldier. He packed a box for our newest soldier Kody. He will now do a report on the entire process including writing a note to the soldier thanking him/her for their service. This amazing young man gives us hope when we see a young individual go out of his way to do something for someone he has never met. We are honored that Zach would choose Kids In Support of Soldiers to share his generosity with. Many thanks to Zach and his Mom, for taking the time to drive from Clearwater, simply to deliver the goods and pack a box! You can see more of his pictures on the Kids In Support of Soldiers Facebook page. Thanks again Zach for caring for our troops!

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